Enabling full situational awareness of your remote assets globally
From critical infrastructure protection, to tracking of personnel and assets, to environmental monitoring, Inmarsat M2M services provide government users with a reliable, secure, global capability that is delivered independently of local terrestrial networks. It enables two-way text, data communications and GPS tracking for users who need high levels of data availability and performance in permanently unmanned environments. With a range of small-size, weight and power (SWaP) mobile and static terminals, which connect to industry-standard sensors and controllers, Inmarsat’s M2M services can be integrated with a range of value-add control and reporting applications. Inmarsat M2M services are optimized for SCADA traffic profiles, providing low latency, global data reporting out-of-the-box and delivered within a secure network environment.
Our portfolio of global machine-to-machine (M2M) services enables you to manage your remote assets and enhance your IoT applications.
A reliable, global, two-way IP data service designed for long-term machine-to-machine management of fixed and mobile assets. Connects monitoring and control applications in remote, unmanned locations, giving you full visibility and management of your dispersed assets across an entire operational area.
For customers with data volume requirements ranging from megabytes to gigabytes, such as real-time surveillance or high-volume metering and telemetry.
A 3G satellite network service, it provides full IP data connectivity supported by remote terminal
management, debugging and configuration options. Using robust and lightweight hardware, BGAN M2M enables a wide range of M2M applications.