
New White Paper: Military Users Acquire Groundbreaking Innovation for Disadvantaged ISR Platforms – in a Smaller, Lighter, Multi-megabit Throughput LAISR Solution

June 28, 2023 Blog

LAISR video and data for ISR

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To rise to the challenges of missions around the world, military teams must receive and return large volumes of video and sensor data simultaneously and reliably. But they cannot afford to transport large, heavy communications equipment in the process – this will impede their global mobility.

In supporting extremely capable and portable satellite communications (SATCOM), Inmarsat Government, a Viasat business, offers our LAISR (L-band Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) service, an award-winning, ultra-small, highly adaptable satellite mobility solution that complements existing military capacity.

In a new white paper, we reveal how LAISR provides small form factor platforms with low size, weight and power (SWaP) and high-speed Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS) forward and return connectivity, servicing land-mobile, maritime, aero Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), as well as stratospheric platforms globally.

Powered by the ELERA global L-band satellite network, we deliver LAISR as a fully managed service – SATCOM as a Service – via the network’s four satellites in geosynchronous (GEO) orbit, expected to be supplemented by two new satellites in 2023 and 2024.

In this white paper, we also describe how the combination of the LAISR terminal equipment and the ELERA network enables the following features and capabilities:

  • Performance. The LAISR service delivers high performance based on several factors, including resilience of user terminals operating in L-band; satellite and ground station diversity and dedicated bandwidth; MODCODs (Modulation and Coding) ranging from spread spectrum to highly efficient symmetrical data rates up to 3 Mbps dedicated worldwide; as well as significantly reduced user terminals’ size, weight, and power (SWaP).
  • Service innovation. New network enhancements enable LAISR’s on-demand service worldwide, with communications flexibility via low SWaP terminals for airborne, maritime and land users. Users simply turn on the terminal to get the service.
  • Terminal innovation. LAISR is accessible via the family of Inmarsat type-approved LAISR lightweight (LW) and ultra-lightweight (ULW) terminals, optimized for SWaP-constrained platforms. Our newest terminals, the LAISR ULW, bring access to high-availability, high-performance, full-duplex, secure BLOS communications via ELERA for airborne crewed and uncrewed platforms while reducing total terminal weight to as low as 4.7 lbs.
  • Flexible solution. LAISR terminals are highly modular and adaptable, and this flexibility has allowed for a successful integration on multiple Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS) platforms, maritime Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV) platforms and High-Altitude Balloons (HAB).

In the near future, we envision incorporating LAISR into Global Xpress Ka-band terminals to create a resilient, multi-frequency, multi-service offering. We are also exploring the addition of L-TAC functionality to LAISR, so that existing military radios can share the L-band antenna associated with LAISR capability already integrated into the platform.

At Inmarsat Government, we are constantly seeking ways to make our great SATCOM solutions even better. To find out how our LAISR solution is helping government customers achieve mission success more effectively, efficiently and securely, please download our white paper. If you wish to discuss your requirements and understand how LAISR can help, contact us here.